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Press and Viewer Reactions
" of the most touching portrayals of childhood you're ever likely to see."
Isobel James, The Mail on Sunday
See full article
"A beautiful, uplifting documentary. I loved it."
Mark Kermode, Kermode and Mayo's Film Review, BBC 5 Live
See review (video)
"...wonderfully intimate and affectionate...we need more films like it."
Ivan Radford, VODzilla
"An incredibly positive film."
Susanna Reid, Good Morning Britain, ITV
“Really lovely.”
Wendy Lloyd, Afternoon Show, BBC Radio Scotland
Saskia Baron, The Arts Desk
"A beautiful film."
Jeremy Vine, BBC Radio 2
"A beautiful, tender portrait of childhood."
Rachel Wexler, Producer of Emmy award-winning film The English Surgeon.
"A wonderful film."
The Christian Institute
"...humane and undeniably moving."
Edward Currie, The Guardian
"It was so moving."
Clare Cage, Actor (Submarine, Torchwood, Moon Dogs)
“Amber and Me is a brilliantly intimate and honest portrayal of the personal and societal challenges faced by twin sisters on distinctly different journeys, as seen through the eyes of a concerned and loving parent.”
Paul Wightman, Filmmaker
"A beautiful, positive film. I was blown away."
Hilary Wainer, SEN Inclusion Teacher
"Amber and Olivia share the same indomitable spirit which makes the film shine through. As with all the best films, it moves us, inspires us, and leaves us wanting more; here's to the next chapter in their lives."
Lucinda Whiteley, Producer (Horrid Henry)
"As a filmmaker, and also as a mother of a child who (in his lifetime) had his own challenges, Amber and Me shares a real insight into family life. How a family accepts and absorbs those challenges and how that same family celebrates the wonder of overcoming them with love. This is a film about courage, hope and love."
Lizzie Pickering, Film Producer (Let Me Go)
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